Läkare om växtdrogerna: Ungdomar som fastnat

Läkare om växtdrogerna: Ungdomar som fastnat

Unga människor som har svårt att sluta använda växtdrogen kratom har sökt hjälp på mottagningen Maria Ungdom i Stockholm. – De känner en tillfredsställelse och kan inte sluta, säger Juan Figueroa Sepulveda, överläkare och psykiater vid mottagningen.

Väktarmannen ledde tullen till knarkcentral mitt i Stockholm

Väktarmannen ledde tullen till knarkcentral mitt i Stockholm

Strax före julen 2023 damp mängder av liknande paket ner på olika postterminaler runt om i Stockholmsområdet. Paketen var adresserade till olika adresser, men skickade till samma påhittade namn – och innehöll knark. Spårade misstänkt med hjälp av paket Två av försändelserna får tillåtelse att skickas vidare, vilket ledde Tullverkets spanare till en 38-årig man i väktaruniform. Med hjälp av ett förfalskat körkort hämtade han ut dem, vilket ledde till ett gripande. – Vi såg att mannen först fotograferade paketen och sedan bar ut försändelserna till en bil som vi sedan följde efter. Han körde till ett flerbostadshus på Gärdet och när han kom ut från en av lägenheterna grep vi honom, säger Kristian Johansson, chef för Tullverkets kriminalavdelning Öst, i ett pressmeddelande. I mannens lägenhet hittades mängder av olika typer av narkotika, bland annat kokain, amfetamin, metamfetamin och cannabis. Även stora mängder narkotikaklassade läkemedel. Dödlig opioid Under utredningen greps ytterligare åtta personer och samtliga står nu åtalade och misstänks bland annat för synnerligen grovt narkotikabrott. – Det mest oroväckande beslaget vi gjorde i lägenheten på Gärdet var en stor mängd med förfalskade narkotiska tabletter som efter analys visade sig innehålla den mycket farliga syntetiska opioiden metonitazen. Om en missbrukare tar dessa tabletter utan att veta vad de innehåller riskerar de livet, säger Kristian Johansson. Enligt polisen har omkring 30 personer mist livet på grund av metonitazen. Verksamheten misstänks ha administrerats via handelsplatser på Darknet.

Borgarrådet om kritiken: "Dåliga appar kommer att sållas bort"

Borgarrådet om kritiken: "Dåliga appar kommer att sållas bort"

Syftet med att lägga ned parkeringsappen ”Betala P” var att undvika extra avgifter för stockholmarna. I stället har det i vissa fall blivit tvärtom. Nu uppmanar politiker och tjänstemän folk att ”välja bort de dyra apparna”. Men i Solna är det kommunen som gett medborgarna bra avtal med appbolagen. – Vi får se över situationen och se om vi tänkt rätt, säger trafikborgarrådet i Lars Strömgren (MP) efter kritiken.

Teorin: Skott mot israeliskt företag kopplas till Iran

Teorin: Skott mot israeliskt företag kopplas till Iran

Under torsdagsförmiddagen sköt en person mot det israeliska företaget Elbit Systems i Kallebäck. Enligt uppgifter till P4 Göteborg kopplar polisen samman skotten mot företaget med skjutningarna mot Israels ambassad i Stockholm. Dessutom jobbar polisen utifrån teorin att Iran kan vara inblandade, enligt samma uppgifter. Uppgifter: 13-åring gripen En pojke under 15 år greps i anslutning till platsen. Enligt uppgifter till GP handlar det om en 13-årig pojke. Händelsen utreds som försök till mord och grovt vapenbrott. Företaget har tidigare utsatts för attentatsförsök, skadegörelser och protester. TV4 Nyheterna har varit i kontakt med Elbit Systems, som inte vill lämna någon kommentar utan hänvisar till polisen.

Tusentals barnsparare kan bryta mot lagen

Tusentals barnsparare kan bryta mot lagen

Tusentals barnsparande föräldrar kan bryta mot lagen. Alla som vill investera barnets pengar direkt i aktier behöver få affären godkänd av kommunens överförmyndare. ✔ Förbundsjuristen: ”Lagstiftningen skulle behöva moderniseras” ✔ Rekommendationen till barnsparande föräldrar med ”stor kunskap om aktier och hur marknaden fungerar” ✔ Önskemålet från överförmyndaren i Stockholms stad: ”Skulle kunna ta fram placeringsriktlinjer”

Stockholm på YouTube


Rick Steves' Europe Travel Guide © 2010 | Sweden's capital, confident and self-assured, glitters with souvenirs from the day when ...

Rick Steves' Europe på YouTube

Stockholm Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia

Stockholm – This city of islands welcomes you to enjoy its streets, sights and stories. Check out our footage of the waterside city ...

Expedia på YouTube

Sinan - Stockholm City

Sinan - Stockholm City Instagram: sinanemve Drönare: Critical Video: Redeye Pictures Edit: Sbeezy.

SINAN på YouTube


Today we share the things to know before you go to Stockholm, perfect for anyone planning a trip to Stockholm. We share the best ...

Creative Travel Guide på YouTube

Yasin - Stockholm, Sweden

Yasin - Stockholm, Sweden Prod: Nicodeemi,Prodbyjackie Mix &master: Rae L'1G Production:DOPEST studios Film & Edit: Viktor ...

YasinTheDon på YouTube

Stockholm i poddar

S3 Ep8: The Case Behind Stockholm Syndrome

You're probably familiar with the concept of Stockholm Syndrome - the phenomenon where people taken hostage come to empathize with or even join up with their captors.  But did you realize that the term comes from a specific incident, a strange bank robbery at the Sveriges Kreditbank that turned into a multiday siege pitting the criminals against the police, with innocent workers trapped in the middle and unsure who to trust. "Crimes of the Centuries" is a podcast from the Obsessed Network exploring forgotten crimes from times past that made a mark and helped change history. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @centuriespod Episode Sponsors: Green Chef - The #1 Meal Kit for Eating Well. Go to www.GreenChef.com/cotc60 and use code cotc60 to get 60% off plus free shipping. Helix - Comfort designed for every body. Helix is offering up to $200 off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners at www.HelixSleep.com/cotc Firstleaf - America's most personalized wine company.  Go to www.tryfirstleaf.com/COTC to get 50% off your first six bottles plus free shipping. Tawkify - The #1 matchmaking service designed to help you achieve relationshiop success. Visit www.tawkify.com/COTC for 20% when you become a client.

82: The Science of Stockholm Syndrome

Is Stockholm Syndrome real? The answer may not be as simple as you think, in fact it could even be an invention of the media... You can WATCH the podcast over on our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/SciGuys If you would like to support the podcast, please donate to our Patreon: http://patreon.com/SciGuys If you'd like to see more of us, follow our socials! Facebook http://facebook.com/SciGuysPod Twitter http://twitter.com/SciGuysPod Instagram http://instagram.com/SciGuysPod References and Further Reading  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-22447726 https://www.businessinsider.com/stockholm-syndrome-could-be-a-myth-2013-10?amp&r=US&IR=T https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16203697/ https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J070v14n03_06 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18028254/ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1600-0447.2007.01112.x https://www.britannica.com/science/Stockholm-syndrome https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/fbileb76&div=69&id=&page= https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/fbileb68&div=54&id=&page= https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J173v04n01_02 Follow the Sci Guys @notcorry / @jampkin / @lukecutforth

197 - Grandma Surprise

Karen and Georgia cover the origin of ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ and Mack Ray Edwards.

Filming The World's Best Ship Models: Stockholm

This episode looks at Llloyd’s Register Foundation’s new project Maritime Innovation in Miniature which is one of the most exciting maritime heritage projects of recent years and a leader in terms of innovation in the maritime heritage field. The aim of the project is to film the world’s best ship models. They are removed from their protective glass cases and filmed in studio conditions with the very latest camera equipment. In particular, the ships are filmed using a macro probe lens, which offers a unique perspective and extreme close up shots. It allows the viewer to get up close and personal with the subject, whilst maintaining a bug-eyed wide angle image. This makes the models appear enormous - simply put, it's a way of bringing the ships themselves back to life.Ship models are a hugely under-appreciated, under-valued and under-exploited resource for engaging large numbers of people with maritime history. The majority of museum-quality ship models exist in storage; those that are on display have little interpretation; few have any significant online presence at all; none have been preserved on film using modern techniques. These are exquisitely made 3D recreations of the world’s most technologically significant vessels, each with significant messages about changing maritime technology and the safety of seafarers.The ships may no longer survive…but models of them do. This project acknowledges and celebrates that fact by bringing them to life with modern technology, in a way that respects and honours the art of the original model makers and the millions of hours of labour expended to create this unparalleled historical resource.This episode looks in particular at the extraordinary models that were filmed in 2022 at the Swedish National Maritime Museum in Stockholm. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Ep19 Stockholm Syndrome

In Ep19, the gals discuss Stockholm Syndrome (a condition from which Dan most likely suffers #ProposeDan) over a bottle of Spellbound Petite Sirah. Cases include an heiress turned "freedom fighter," an Austrian modern-day Cinderella who got fed up with chores, and the ultimate nightmare-fuel... The Girl in the Box. So loosen your restraints, convince your captor to roam for a bit, and tune in!

Ep 154. The one with the trip to Stockholm, wedding planning and two single duvets

Jenny is in Stockholm and Judith is in Cornwall but by the magic of technology a podcast is still possible! This week the pair discuss Stockholm - food, art and hotel beds. Plus Judith is with Poppy having some twin free time on Cornwall. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Millennial Travel Guide to Stockholm

Stockholm is one of the most amazing cities that you will ever see. It’s got just about everything – stunning water, delicious food, great people, loads to see and do, a fantastic nightlife and some of the best hotels you will ever have the pleasure to stay at. We’ve put together a millennial travel guide […] Read more... See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Stockholm Syndrome

How can you avoid the pitfalls of subservience and oppression? What does being born to lead really mean? Doesn’t it lead to egotism? These are just a few of the questions Stuart and William discuss as they explore the following question that was sent by listener Alex in Poland: “Does the reaction to the Queen's death show how a society could be subservient to its oppressor? Is this Stockholm Syndrome in daily life?” They go on to talk about how royalty often exists off the back of colonialism and power, together with how you can understand other people better by understanding your own history, good and bad. Plus how the royal family are just another family, they’re no higher than us really, and that we shouldn’t feel too subservient to them. They explore why there is often deference to a perceived higher power and if in the UK we’re an oppressed as society? Neither Stuart and William are royalists and call for the bad stuff from the past to be acknowledged so we can all move on? Do you have to accept being lead? Big questions! This podcast's overall themes are nature, philosophy, climate, the human condition, sustainability, and social justice. What do you make of this discussion? Do you have a question that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by sending an email to thepeoplescountryside@gmail.com, or record us a message in your own voice by going to https://anchor.fm/thepeoplescountryside/message In this episode they talk about Environmental Debate Live & Unscripted which is happening on the 27th May at the Bothy Vineyard, in rural Oxfordshire. Here’s a link to book tickets for this event: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/environmental-debate-live-unscripted-tickets-514832145807 Find out all about the podcast via this one simple link: https://linktr.ee/thepeoplescountryside Help us to spread the impact of the podcast by sharing this link with 5 friends https://podfollow.com/the-peoples-countryside-environmental-debate-podcast/view , support our work through Patreon https://www.patreon.com/thepeoplescountryside or just 'follow' to avoid missing any public posts. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thepeoplescountryside/message