
Telia är en svensk telekommunikationsoperatör som erbjuder mobiltelefoni, bredband, tv och fast telefoni till privatpersoner och företag. Företaget grundades 1853 och har idag över 20 miljoner kunder i Norden och Baltikum. Telia är en av de största mobiloperatörerna i Sverige och har även investerat i utvecklingen av 5G-nätverk.

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Telia i poddar

Sparpodden ep. 168 - Q4 och indexfonder

Teliabråk när Vd tröttnat på styrelse och ägare. Är staten ryggradslös och konflikträdd? Och hur sannolikt är det att Telia skulle gå ut med nyemission till svenska folket? Fingerprint än en gång ute i blåsväder och vi får frågan vad vi tycker om indexfonder, är det fondvärldens heliga graal, eller är det mera som McDonalds, det är billigt och man vet vad man får.

Sparpodden 246 - Strategier för Investeringar

#Sparpodden 246! Vi diskuterar Telia affären och Q2 rapporter i veckans avsnitt. Sen bjuder vi på våra egna investeringsstrategier och vilka olikheter det är mellan oss i podden. Detta kom som en fråga till podden, så vi tog tiden att diskutera och resonera kring strategier för investeringar. Njut av sommaren! Du gör #sparpodden! Vad vill DU veta mer om? Ställ fråga på Twitter under hashtagen #sparpodden, eller i sharevillegruppen #sparpodden Hjälp oss växa podden genom att sprida i sociala medier!


Telia tillhandahåller bredband, telefoni, fiber, tv och media och andra lösningar för privat och företagskunder. De äger bland annat tv4 gruppen som har rättigheterna till exempelvis champions League.Telia har Idag har 19 000 talangfulla medarbetare som förser 25 miljoner kunder i Norden och Baltikum me digital infrastruktur och digitala tjänster. De är regionens ledande aktör inom telekommunikation, Nordens ledande mediehus och marknadsledande inom ICT-tjänster i både Finland och Baltikum. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Evolving Customer Experiences in the Digital World with Telia's Head of E-commerce

--------- EPISODE CHAPTERS --------- (0:00:18) - Challenges and Personalization in Digital Sales(0:08:44) - E-Commerce Boosts Telia Sweden's Omni-Channel Sales  --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS WITH SHORT KEY POINTS --------- (0:00:18) - Challenges and Personalization in Digital SalesEllen shares her experience in NY and Stockholm, exploring digital sales challenges in Swedish B2C telecom, website personalization, and data protection. (0:08:44) - E-Commerce Boosts Telia Sweden's Omni-Channel SalesEllen Lundstrom shares her experience with initiatives to improve customer experience, potential of AI and personalization, and advice for aspiring e-commerce personnel.  --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS WITH FULL SUMMARIES --------- (0:00:18) - Challenges and Personalization in Digital Sales (8 Minutes) We discuss the changing digital customer experience with our guest, Ellen Mellon Lundstrom, Head of E-commerce at Telia. Ellen shares her experience working in New York and Stockholm and the cultural differences between them. We explore the top challenges in digital sales in the Swedish B2C telecom sector and how Telia Sweden approaches website personalization. Ellen explains website personalization and the importance of protecting customer data. (0:08:44) - E-Commerce Boosts Telia Sweden's Omni-Channel Sales (11 Minutes) Ellen Mellon Lundstrom, Head of E-commerce at Telia, shares her experience with initiatives like the Store to Home Initiative and video calls to stores, which make the customer experience smoother and more consistent. We explore the potential of AI and personalization to revolutionize the customer experience in the future. Finally, Ellen provides insight into what aspiring head of e-commerce personnel should avoid in order to be successful.--------- HIGHLIGHTS --------- 0:01:23 - Cultural Differences in Work Environments (105 Seconds)0:07:02 - Explaining Website Personalization (101 Seconds)0:13:34 - AI in Customer Service (73 Seconds)0:16:55 - Testing and Leadership in E-Commerce (96 Seconds)  --------- HIGHLIGHTS WITH TRANSCRIPT --------- * Cultural Differences in Work Environments | 0:01:23 - 0:03:07 (105 Seconds) 0:01:23 Daniel PaulSo because I was thinking like you've worked in New York and you've worked in Stockholm, so are there any cultural differences or shock that you had when you were actually working in New York?   0:01:38 Elin Melin LundströmYeah, absolutely. I think, like the first one, that was the most obvious to me was that I was definitely the early bird. I think that, working in Scandinavian countries, we tend to show up at the office 8.30 sharp, and when I did that in the New York office I was turning on the lights, there was no one else there and I had the first hour to myself, so that was definitely a difference. Then, I think another thing that I really appreciated was that they had lots of snacks in that office. So, there were Friday bagels, there were a lot of these very nice things that I really appreciated. And then, finally, I think that Americans, they are very nice and they are very open and friendly, and that is something that was a difference, because I think that the Scandinavian culture is a little bit, might be a little bit, more restricted sometimes. So all in all, that was a big difference as well and I think that actually impacted me, and I've seen this from other times that I've travelled as well, but when I come back, I am more open and social and might start talking to strangers, and that's not really part of the Scandinavian culture. So that's interesting.   0:03:00 Daniel PaulThe travelling changes your perception, doesn't it? Definitely it gives you like I can do this back home, right?   ---------------------------------------------- * Explaining Website Personalization | 0:07:02 - 0:08:43 (101 Seconds) 0:07:02 Daniel PaulYeah, this is something that I want to ask because you know and I know what is website personalization. But for people that are listening to this, if you could explain that in simple words, what is website personalization? Looking for a customer like the difference between an unpersonalized and non-personalized website and then a personalized website, Can you explain this a little bit please?   0:07:27 Elin Melin LundströmWell, this is basically that we make sure that, especially when you're logged in or an authenticated customer on our website, we make sure that you get the right solution for you presented. So, basically, the big difference is that, instead of getting the generic messages, you get the message adapted to you, and I think that this is something that customers are actually quite used to these days, but maybe they don't think about it. But just thinking about all the different different places where you might have an account For instance, spotify is doing this really well where they have personalized playlists so this is really just translating that into a website world where we try and make sure that you get the relevant recommendations for you.   0:08:17 Daniel PaulAnd you, as the head of headcomers, do you track these datas to personalize it even more and grow that over a period of time?   0:08:26 Elin Melin LundströmYes, I mean, obviously this is again. We want to take this from the customer perspective. So this is that we're looking at how can we improve the customer experience all the time and make it more personalized and relevant for you. So obviously we're doing that. Yes, Brilliant.   ---------------------------------------------- * AI in Customer Service | 0:13:34 - 0:14:48 (73 Seconds) 0:13:34 Daniel PaulPiggybacking on the word AI, because AI is a buzzword and a terminology that every company is using these days. So, let's say, another five years. Do you think hypothetically, because it's future? Do you think like if I'm a customer of telia, I can just use AI voice recognition or AI recognizes what I need and suggest me personalized product based on my last five purchases and say that, hey, this is for you and you get this today. You have a special discount. We deliver in the next six hours. Is that possible with AI?   0:14:16 Elin Melin LundströmI think it's really hard to know what the future will look like in five years, because we're seeing such rapid development right now and I think a lot is happening. I think we're going to see a lot happening already within a year. So hard for me to answer that question, but I mean, obviously we have a lot of new opportunities to really improve the customer experience here and we will experiment and make sure that we do use these opportunities in the best way.   0:14:48 Daniel PaulLove it.   ---------------------------------------------- * Testing and Leadership in E-Commerce | 0:16:55 - 0:18:32 (96 Seconds) 0:16:55 Elin Melin LundströmAnd thirdly, I think that the cool thing about working with digital in general is that it's so easy to test. So I would really encourage to to do a lot of testing, test everything and try not always to test doesn't always have to be so perfect. You can also try and test things and it's just to really quickly learn, because it's a really, really powerful method and also really fun method to work with. So I would really encourage to do a lot of testing.   0:17:32 Daniel PaulAnd the part that you said about you know, get the experts who are really good at what they're doing. It kind of reminded me of what Steve Jobs and Apple said we hire you not to, you know, take orders from us. We hire you to tell us what to do. So that's the mindset that I see in here. So, which also comes to another question, you, as a head of e-commerce, you manage a lot of people, so how important is people management skills when it comes to this role?   0:18:00 Elin Melin LundströmI think it's very important. Of course, I think that, as I said, we really need to make sure that we bring forward our experts and that they are the ones leading the way, because they have the knowledge I come from. So my leadership has developed in an agile setting and that's really how I view leadership, so I think that those skills are really important, definitely.   ---------------------------------------------- feedback matters to us, so feel free to leave your comments and suggestions. If you enjoyed this episode you enjoyed, please subscribe episode, to our podcast and share it consider leaving us a review with your network. Stay tuned by subscribing to our podcast. Remember for more interesting conversations on digital, your feedback helps us deliver the content you transform, customer service, and want to hear. Stay tuned leadership. Until next time!  

Breda fall i Asien – Telias resultat bättre än väntat

Det är ännu en rapportintensiv morgon. Nordeas resultat var bättre än väntan, precis som Telias för det tredje kvartalet. Lyssna på Di Morgonkoll med Alexander Klaar.

Telias allmänna villkor

I det här avsnittet jobbar vi oss igenom de allmänna villkoren hos Telia, företaget vars historia sträcker sig ända tillbaka till 1853 när Sverige fortfarande hade ståndsriksdag. Hur villkoren såg ut på den tiden vet vi inte, däremot att de nuvarande på dryga åtta A4-sidor gäller oavsett om du surfar, ringer eller kollar på TV via Telias tjänster. De är villkor, de är allmänna, de är tråkiga och de har kommit för att stjäla femtiotvå minuter av ditt liv. Grattis! Musik: Undertow av Scott Buckley (CC-BY 4.0)

Telia Tonkin - The 000 operator

Being calm under pressure is a prerequisite for being a 000 operator and it’s certainly not a job for everyone. However, Telia worked in the role for 10 years and received many harrowing and distressing calls. She talks to Narelle about that experience. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Gaia möter Hélène Barnekow, tidigare VD för Microsoft Sverige och Telia

Hélène Barnekow har en lång och spännande karriär som chef och ledare på många globala bolag, såsom Microsoft Sverige och Telia. I november 2023 blir också Hélène en del av Gaia. I det här samtalet mellan Hélène, Johan Grip och Anna Wilhelmsson, båda från Gaia, diskuteras vad vår föränderliga tid innebär för bolag och organisationer. Vi får höra vad Hélène tog med sig från sin första ledarerfarenhet som fotbollstränare, resonemang om vikten av tid och att det är avgörande att ha utrymme för unexpected meetings. I samtalet nämns Hélènes bok. Den heter "Re:start - det värdebaserade ledarskapet i en föränderlig värld" och hon har skrivit den tillsammans med Nina Pettersson.   Bakom spakarna: Anna Wilhelmsson Musik: Lars Jansson Bild: Mats Gleisner

Rapportmorgon 19 oktober: Nordea, Telia och Fabege

Poddversionen av Rapportmorgon onsdag den 19 oktober. Bolag som intervjuas: Nordea, Arjo, Lyko, Telia, Bergman & Beving, Vitec, AQ Group, Lime, och Fabege. Programledare, Pontus Herin och Madeleine Lundberg, vi gästas av Di:s egna expert, Ulf Petersson

#100 - Mille Beckman, Head of Digitalization, Telia: Hur bra får man ha det på jobbet?

Mille Beckman är digitaliseringsexpert, framtidsspanare, föreläsare och arbetar med digital transformation på arbetsplatser. Mille gästar loungen för att berätta hur stora som små bolag ställer om och blir digitala, på riktigt. Hur digitala är vi 2021, vad innebär arbete idag och hur bra får man egentligen ha det på jobbet? Vad är skillnaden mellan digitisering och digitalisering? Vilka är de vanliga misstagen i förändringsarbetet och hur gör man det bäst? Vad möjliggör en digitaliserad arbetsplats och vad innebär egentligen ”arbete” 2021? Mille pratar också till ledare och bolag som vill behålla sina stjärnkollegor som säger upp sig endast på grund av att de vill kunna styra över sin arbetsvardag. Utöver det pratar Mille om tekniknostalgi, digital kultur, påsar på huvudet, hur coronaåret har kick-startat förändringsarbetet och konkreta råd och tips om vart du kan börja. Oavsett om du är anställd, egen företagare eller ledare på en större organisation.   De flesta som byter arbetsplats eller väljer att starta eget bolag svarar ofta att de vill styra över sin egen tid, vara platsoberoende och arbeta med något meningsfullt. Tänk om du kunde göra det där du är idag? Det är nämligen det som digitalisering gör möjligt.   Missa inte samtalet där grymma Mille Beckman, Head of Digitalization and Change Management på Telia, ger oss den bästa starten på 2021 i det 100:e avsnittet av LoungePodden. En sorts Mille-stolpe skulle man kunna säga!   GILLAR DU DET VI GÖR? Bli Patreon och stötta LoungePodden med valfri summa per månad på: Mer info på ❤️ Tack för ditt stöd! ❤️   Följ @loungepodden på alla sociala medier! YouTube: Instagram: Linkedin: Facebook: Följ Taimaz Instagram: Linkedin: